Heal narcissistic trauma and reclaim your identity

First of all, what is narcissism??

Narcissism is characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy for others, a need for excessive admiration, and the belief that one is unique and deserving of special treatment. Narcissists are so self-involved that they ignore the needs and feelings of those around them.

What is Narcissistic Relational Trauma?

This is not the stuff of bad soap operas. If you have ever been in relationship with a narcissist or other toxic personality type, you’ll know exactly what relational trauma means. It is emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually abusive and can destabilize us in the present and long term.

Relational trauma is EVERYWHERE. It can include family, friends, and colleagues. It affects your ability to trust, connect, and thrive. Through personalized coaching, I help you heal and break free from the patterns holding you back in areas of life you may not even recognize.

With the right support, healing is possible.

Relational trauma is distinguished from (non-relational) trauma such as that experienced in war, natural disasters, rape, etc. It has a set of perpetrator and target behaviors and impacts that are somewhat different. I am certified explicitly in working with clients who have experienced trauma at the hands of narcissists in both personal and professional contexts.

Hello, I’m Shani Magosky and I have walked this path myself. The most sustained narcissistic trauma I experienced professionally was almost five years of emotional/verbal/mental/ psychological abuse at the hands of an extremely narcissistic boss. I was also physically and digitally stalked by a former employee and ultimately had to obtain a restraining order. Talk about confirmation of a good decision. These and other experiences led me to pursue a formal certification as a Neuroscience and Relational Trauma Coach (NCRT) so I can help people like you.

If you want help determining if you’re ready, take the Narcissistic Trauma Recovery Coaching Readiness Quiz.

Want to know more?

Contact me to schedule a free 30-minute consultation to discuss how narcissistic trauma recovery coaching can support your journey to healing trauma, healthier relationships, and personal fulfillment.